Fluoride | F-

p.s. Disclaimer - I am not a dentist, I only share my investigations. This is not medical advice. This is not a literature review, but a blog article with references of the shared information. Enjoy!

What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a trace element, an atom, abundant in nature.(1)

Why is floride in our water and many other products?

Fluoride research started in 1901. Dr. G.V. Black, a dental researcher, and Dr. McKay, a dental school graduate, investigated fluorosis (too much fluoride), also called Colorado Brown Stain (see story for more info). They made two discoveries:

  • Mottled enamel resulted from developmental imperfections in children's teeth.

  • Teeth afflicted by Colorado Brown Stain were surprisingly and inexplicably resistant to decay.

So since then, they saw that fluoride made teeth more resistant, and water fluoridation was initiated. They didn’t study food, lack of possible nutrients, nothing else. That was it. Water fluoridation started in 1945-1946 in the United States and Canada assuming it would reduce caries by 50%.(2) Not only was our water fluoridated, but also a series of products, including toothpaste, mouth rinse, dietary supplements, gels, foams, etc.

Caries are not a Fluoride deficiency, so why are we using Fluoride?

Fluoride has been described as an anticariogenic and antimicrobial agent. Basically, it acidifies the environment, making it difficult for bacteria to grow and create caries. Shouldn’t we even question the presence of bacteria and a bacterial growth environment in the first place AKA sugar?

Other benefits of fluoride?

It should be noted that most of the studies were conducted in 1980, when dental caries were more severe and common. Fluoride plays a role in teeth and bone health,(3) and was even considered a therapy for osteoporosis until they noticed that it did not reduce, rather increased the potential nonvertebral fractures.(4)

Many controversies reside regarding the use of fluoride for dental caries.(5) Despite this, the American Dental Association (ADA) that claims, I quote (6):

‘‘More than 70 years of scientific research has consistently shown that:

  • an optimal level of fluoride in community water is safe and effective

  • plus, it prevents tooth decay by at least 25% in both children and adults.’’

Actually, a quebec cost-effectiveness study of water fluoridation showed a 1% estimate decrease in cavities, demonstrating quite contradictory data. (7). Not sure where the ADA got their information regarding safety, but lets explore!

Is fluoride harmful?

When considering a preventive treatment or procedure, it is important to cause no harm. Excessive exposure to fluoride can cause bone distrubance and fluorosis (see image).(8)

Image source

Here are some problems that have been associated with fluoride:

Acne and other dermatological problems, arterial calcification and arteriosclerosis, bone weakness and risk of fractures, bone cancer, osteosarcoma, heart failure, mental and cognitive issues, dental fluorosis, diabetes, early puberty in girls, harm to the fetal brain, high blood pressure, immune system complications, iodine deficiency, lower fertility, lower IQ, neurotoxic effects (ADHD), osteoarthritis, bone fluorosis, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), thyroid dysfunction.(9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)

Dr. Brite and Dr. Pooneh Ramezani state on their website that (15): “New research has shown that the amount of fluoride in fluoridated toothpastes and the length of time that you brush your teeth or your children's teeth is not enough for the fluoride to have significant re-mineralization effects on the enamel of the teeth. The actual mechanical removal of plaque-causing bacteria with a toothbrush is more beneficial than using a Fluoridated toothpaste."

Also, there is a lawsuit in the USA claiming fluoridated drinking water presents an unreasonable risk to public health and can harm the developing brain of young children and babies, causing IQ deficit.(16) $90 million per year are spent on advertising for Crest products, making the official fluoride story remain in our psyche.(17) The CDC says if infant formula is mixed with fluoridated water, the baby’s teeth might be affected by dental fluorosis, which appears as white spots makings on the teeth. (18) Excess fluoride exposure poses health risks, including discolored teeth, changes in the bones, and harm to the brain, and nervous system. In 2017, a study by a team of researchers in Mexico found that exposure to fluoride during pregnancy can harm IQ and cognitive development in children. Similar results were found in a recent Canadian study. (19)

So, what to do?

I use a fluoride-free toothpaste. Himalaya brand offers different ones that are good. It should be written on the product.

You can use a fluoride water filter or water bottle. Make sure it says Fluoride filter as Brita and these common brands don’t filter fluoride. This is a good start. But the more you dig, the more you’ll find that many food also contain fluoride… This exceeds the purpose of this article.

Other recommendations I found:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes each time.

p.s. Everyone is different, and these recommendations should be personalized with your dentist. For other recommendations, please ask your dentist.

-Dr. Stephanie E.


Fat, cooking oils, and health


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